You are still teeny tiny. 21.5 pounds at your last visit. But SO strong and active. You are so playful and never cry if someone messes with you. You LOVE to share. You are very independent and social. You make friends everywhere we go. Seriously.
Christmas was sooo much fun this year. We had a few toys for you already out of their packages so you could play right away without us having to wrestle with the packaging. We had chocolate pancakes for breakfast before we went to church with nana and poppys. Then we went to their house for a yummy lunch and more presents :)
You wear size 3 diaper and I am buying size 18 month clothes but you have a little denim skirt that you wear all the time that is size 6-12 months!!! You love shoes.
You eat so good and much to your aunt kristis delight, you prefer your food arranged neatly in a plate and silverware to eat it with. You also organize your snacks into separate piles. :)
We just got a membership to the children's museum and we love it!! I just love to see your excitement when we walk in.
You do "downward dog", jump and spin and you are so proud. When momma us doing pure barre workout you stand next to me and left your legs and lift your weights. It so fascinating to see how much you pick up on.
We always say "night night trees" when we close the blinds before bed and this morning when I opened them you said "hi trees".
Your cousin Berkeley was here after Christmas and you had the best time playing with him. He's 7 but you think you're the same size. You slept SO good those nights :)
It's new years eve and we are so thankful to have spent this last year with you a our daughter. We love you so very much little girl.

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Cutest post ever and seriously you are the most beautiful mom in the world. 17 months old....WOW!! That is so exciting!! Okay, I got your comment about your dream and PLEASE know that I would never ever ever ditch you. PLEASE do my makeup and then we can go for ice cream after. Have an amazing day with your beautiful family!