they were so good on the trip home and we made several stops to get the wiggles out and to play on the toys at different chick fil a's.

i think jonathans highlight of the week was catching this 20 pound catfish with uncle william. they fished several nights, mostly in the bay in our neighborhood. it's also right next to the clubhouse so we had a fun impromptu swim one evening!

jonathan tasted his first real freshly caught fish and he LOVED it!

on this evening, i mowed the backyard while the kids played on the hammock and then we played in the sprinkler til dark.

on wednesday, we went to the children's museum and had so much fun. they loved the "intestine slide". it was really fun to go with different aged kids and see what they are all into.

we went to the big park one afternoon and played on all the toys. willow loves loves to swing so we did that while the boys played on the big toys for a while.

friday we went to kidfest and it was so neat. they had pony rides (that willow did 4 or 5 times), a sea lion show (the coolest), gator wrestling, a clown, big dumptruck/tractor, etc that you could climb on and some cute little rides. we had so much fun that uncle william took us back on saturday!

we went swimming again and the water was FREEZING!! willow was shivering so poppy tried to warm her up in the sun. :)

jonathan loves willow. one night they were in the tub and i told them to say night night to willow and he said "awwwwww, but we've hardly gotten to see her tonight" and i said, aww you DO love her! he said "of course i do!" and i asked tyler if he loved her too and he said "i SORTA love her." ha!

it really was so special and willow loves them so much that i hardly even saw her because she was playing with them the whole time. :) i saw jonathan take his first breath and to be at this point is surreal to me. he's just so smart and funny and tender hearted. and tyler is so much like willow. they look alike and they are both MONKEYS! before he says something, he almost always says "excuse me". he loves his big brother and he loves to be snuggled. that was a huge treat for me :)
hopefully they
ll be back this summer and we'll get to make new memories.
Oh my gosh, I miss those boys! I wonder if Kristi will send them to Florida? They look like they are enjoying their cousin!