sitting here tonight after a tough day. i should be asleep but i'm waiting until my hunter is safely home. :)
several weeks ago, we had a ladies night at church. typically that's just not my thing. if i have a chance to spend time with my family all together, i'm gonna reeeeally wanna take it. but w was working late and my parents offered to take willow so i went. and I'm so thankful.
the lady who spoke, we'll call her theresa {because that's her name ;)}, has been through it. so many things have happened in her life but the one that had my eyes locked on her was her most recent struggle with cancer. but more specifically what I connected with is the pain of a disease and the fear of the unknown that comes with it. but she glows from the inside out. and has hope and true joy. and LOVES (and praises!) Jesus. what she shared has changed the way that I will think when I'm having tough pain days.
she shared about job. read it. and then again. God allowed (actually even suggested) for satan to cause job pain. and His reason? because He knew job and how much he loved God and that he would always serve Him. simple thought. but it's not. easy to grasp. but life changing.
so on days like today when all signs point to asking "why me?", i just say "because He knows me." and then just try to wipe the big smile off of my face. :)
{really thankful for a little girl who plays so sweety when momma needs to chill. and really thankful for facetime so nana can read stories to her :)}

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