^^ morning bible reading.
sutton sound "his verse" and
this one from psalm was so
fitting for what was ahead of
us that day.
willows butterflies came out of their
cocoons! it was fascinating to see
the whole process! i'm just proud
(& shocked) that they are alive!

^^ brave daddy and willow heading in to the neurosurgeons office.
we were all a little sick to our stomachs but we made a great team. ;)
she listened against the door and then ran when she thought she heard someone coming in. she was HILARIOUS during the appt.
as soon as the nurse practitioner
came in she says, "you GOTTA
smell my daddy's hand!".
what the heck??
she was super proud of her bracelet and so excited to pick out a toy after
she was done. she picked
a thor action figure. :)

^^ that afternoon a HUGE box was
on our doorstep.
my friend lauren that lives too
far away in pensacola had sent
a box full of
willows favorite things and i
cried and cried at the way
my girl was loved.
willow said "momma you sure are making a lot of happy tears!".
it was such perfect timing and
so unexpected.
thank you, toooooooo!!!
(what we call eachother. haha.)
sutton even got some happies that

^^ beautiful afternoon in the backyard.
i moved their thomas roller coaster
outside so they could keep going down
the hill. they had so much fun
and of course sutton had to make it
more exciting by going backwards. ha!

^^ since sutton goes to bed so early,
just willow and I had a little supper date
and then went to see children of the world choir perform.
it was so so so good.
while they were singing,
willow whispered to me that her job when she grows up is to
find mommys and daddys
for kids that don't have any.
it was so neat afterwards because she got to interact with the kids and it really
connected with her that there are REAL
kids her age that don't have what a lot
of kids have. it really stirred
something in her heart and she's been
talking about ways she can help make
a big difference. :)

^^ she loves pushing her babies
in the little carts. and i only
got the skin ripped from the back of my
ankles once. ha!
i showed sutton his lovie from the nicu
and showed him how i put it in my shirt so he could snuggle with it and smell momma and he played with it in his
shirt for the rest of the day. :)
her neck/head/legs have been hurting her a good bit so massages happen
a lot and seem to really help.
i sent this pic of sutton and i to nana and she asked if my pain was bad because she could see it in my eyes.
it meant so much to me that my momma
knows me and can see past a smile. :)
sutton looooves to sing (willow too) and we took turns performing on stage.
he really is good!

^^ willow reading to sutton. she only skipped 10 pages. ;)
but seriously. how do i stop?
truth. some days. haha.
my friend leigh came to help me bake and cut out 500+ tiny cookies to put on
top of the february cuppycakes!
i'm so excited!
twinning with my girl. :)
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