you talk non stop. some of the things you say, only i can understand but i know exactly what you're saying regardless. it's so special to me and i feel so fortunate that i CAN be with you enough to know what your little words are. you repeat everything and mimic the tones that are used also. you say you're "abc's" so good. when you say them alone, you just say "a, b, a, b..." but if i say them with you one at a time, you say the next letter by yourself. you like to count everything. if you see a big letter or number somewhere (tshirts, signs, etc) you say "a, b, a, b".
you. love. barney. you have no idea he isn't real and you just get so excited to watch. "booboo bop" and "dee jay" are your best little friends. you are extremely coordinated and learn the motions immediately and sing along to all of the songs. the songs you sing by yourself are "if you're happy and you know it", "this little light of mine", "jesus loves me", "twinkle twinkle little star", "deep and wide", "wheels on the bus" and some others that me and daddy can't think of right now :)
you talk about your friends constantly. play dates are fun but it's kinda a joke among us mommas that we don't get to spend much time visiting when we're chasing after our kiddos. ;)
you looooove the pool. you wear floaties and swim so good. you like to swim to will throw your passy in the water and swim to it.
you're a big snacker "nack" these days and don't eat big meals but you still prefer the healthier foods. you don't eat chicken or really any meat. you chew it up and spit it out. not sure what it is about it? so you get lots of beans and cheese to make up for it. you love water "wawee" and lemonade "ye ye yade" and milk "milkey".
you make silly faces and think it's so funny. you love to make people laugh. when you see something funny, you say "look mommy" or "look daddy". i love how you want to share everything with us.
you are such a technology whiz. you play games on the ipad (barney, elmo, easy bitsy spider "ih ih bubba") and love to go through pictures. you can start netflix by yourself to watch barney and take pictures. it's nuts.
riding around town with you is so much fun. i never wanted a dvd player in the car because i wanted you to look out the window and get to know the things around us. it's so special just driving the the store. you say hi to the water and the duckies at the park, the place we get ice cream and the balls (balloons) at the car dealership.
speaking of ice ask for it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. if i dare open the freezer in front of you, oh my. if we go to chickfila, you look for the picture of ice-cream and yell "i ceam!!!!!".
you love to climb and go down slides. you say "up up up weeeee" if you see one or if we drive by a chickfila.
you are great at sharing. with anyone. you always always offer barney some of your snack. :)
you love to sit in mommys makeup chair and play with everything. you dip the brushes into the makeup and put it on. and then you like me to brush your hair and you wait til i say "o my goodness, you are soooo pretty" and then you say "look daddy". :) this usually happens every morning.
you're kinda into eye brows. ha! you point them out on everyone.
you have so many booboo's! you play so rough but you rarely even flinch if you fall down. but you like for mommy or daddy to kiss them and that makes it all better! when you notice your booboos you say "uh oh knees". :(
you have a little "boo boo buddy" that goes in the freezer and it has Dora on it. well, when you see a picture of Dora somewhere else you say, "BOO BOO BUDDY!!!!".
reading is still your favorite thing. it's really fun to start reading longer books and you really understand what's going on. we love to play "where's the ________" in different books. one book that was my favorite "blueberries for sal" has a page of things that nana and i used to look at. now we do it and it's SO neat to watch you looking for the different items.....the clock, kitty car, oven, towel, mommy, girl, etc.
you love getting and giving massages. your hands are so precious and you have such a loving touch. when we go to daddys office you want to climb up on his massage table and the lay on your belly and wait for someone to rub you. :)
you pray at random times by yourself and will say "thank you for nana, poppy....kiki (kristi), mommy, daddy...." you drag out all the names and it's so sweet.
i know that i could go on and on as always but i think i'll stop now. i. love. you. so . much. you are the biggest gift to us and i just can't understand why God allowed us to be your mommy and daddy. wow. it seems like you were born 6 months ago but it's been almost 2 years!!! at the same time, we've had such a FULL 2 years and it's been so rich that it also seems like i've known you forever. i am so so thankful for the bond of a mommy and child and i also am so thankful for how much you adore your daddy and he you. i love you so very much, lolo.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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