dear willow,

dear willow,

Thursday, August 9, 2012

i don't talk about it.

chiari malformation. a name that i always have to spell when i go to the doctors office. why would i have to spell a medical term for a doctor? because it's so rare and under-studied that it's not common vocabulary, even for the best of them.

i was diagnosed in november of 2002 after a constant headache that started in march of that year. doctor after doctor passed me on or misdiagnosed me. no one believed that i was in pain. many medical charts say "she's smiling, too happy to be in pain".

i had my first surgery in december with the motto "pain free in 2003" hanging over my hospital bed. we had so much hope. but the pain came back. worse. i found the chiari institute in one of my many (probably middle of the night) research sessions and made an appointment. i underwent my 2nd surgery in september of 2006.

but the pain came back. worse.

in 2009 i met william. for the first time in years i had real hope. my first massage session with him, i had tears rolling down my cheeks into his hands because for the first time in 7 years, i had a little bit of relief. it didn't last very long after a session, but 5 minutes of relief is worth so much. i knew what i had to do....marry him and have his baby ;) okay, that wasn't quite the plan but it worked.

william has helped tremendously with my muscular pain which was a huge part of it. but there's the rest of it that goes untouched by anything we've tried. countless medications (over 30), alternative therapies, injections, etc. there are days that i can't open my eyes and my sweet momma takes care of my baby for me. there are nights that william doesn't sleep because he's trying to rub some of the pain away.

we've lost 2 babies now. unexplainable reasons. pathology reports are perfect, my blood work is perfect. my doctor said i could be in a car wreck or addicted to heroine and the babies would probably survive. ouch. we feel like God is telling us loud and clear that it's time to take care of my head before we have any more babies. well, more like william is being told, i'm too stubborn to listen when i don't want to hear certain things ;)

so i've submitted all of my paperwork to the chiari institute and will hopefully get in sometime in october. this brings so many emotions. i'm shaking as a type this. i'm so so frustrated (okay, angry) that my family has to go through this with me, i'm terrified of another surgery. it's completely different having brain surgery as a momma. can't even think about it. i'm dreading the "next step". i'm sick to my stomach about the expense of it all. the possibility of leaving willow while we go (anyone wanna travel to NYC with us? no, really).

i've told a couple of people about the appointment and the response is the same. "why?? are you having problems again?". this floors me until i realize that I DONT TALK ABOUT IT. i never ever want to bring someone down because i'm hurting. i don't want anyone to act differently because they know it's a bad day. but here's the truth, y'all. I NEED YOU. so bad. i need your prayer. i need to know that my family isn't alone. it's a lot on william. of course. and it affects willow too, even though a day with her nana is the best thing ever. :)

so here's how you can pray.
1. that i would be given continued strength and peace
2. the same for w
3. that we would have financial wisdom (we're dave ramsey fanatics)
4. the doctors would have a bomb dot com cure
5. cheap flights and hotel in nyc (ha!)

my diagnosis is chiari malformation and tethered spinal cord if you want to google it. and here's an awesome sauce portrait of me :)

i'll keep you updated on the journey. xo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I will be praying for you, William and Willow. Keep us updated! I have some friends I grew up with in NYC so keep us posted and maybe we can connect you. (They are on facebook!)

  2. Praying for real. THANK YOU for talking about it & letting us join you on this inspire me...keep the faith xo

  3. Kimberly, I will be praying for you and your precious family! I really hope your pain goes away. It is weird that you posted this, b/c I went to the doctor yesterday to get x-rays on my neck. I have severe pains that pop up very randomly in the back of my neck, and up where it meets my head. It hurts so badly it brings me to tears. My results came back today fine. And it upsets me because I know I am not making this up. The pain is real. Now my problem doesn't sound quite as bad as yours, but trust me, it is a problem, and I'd like for it to go away. I thought for sure they would tell me that my spine is crooked or something, but no. Did a chiropractor help you any? Or did you try physical therapy? I guess me and my guy will figure out where to go from here.. I just want him most of all to know that this is a real thing, even tho they say my x-rays look fine. Good luck to you, let us know how it goes!

  4. i just saw this post! i am praying for you sweet girl!!! i will help keep willow if you need me to! even though i've never met her, she seems like SUCH an awesome lil girl! pinky promise!

  5. Hi Kimberly,

    I stumbled across your blog randomly this evening... Through some tears managed to read many of your posts... wow... You have a beautiful soul!! I love how you write!

    I'm so so so heart broken and sorry for your two losses and your beautiful precious babies. Surely, you WILL meet them one day and they will be so excited to meet their momma! I'm a Fertility Care Practitioner with the Creighton Model System, so hearing your story is all the more heart breaking for me, as I know many woman who struggle with this! Please contact me if you ever are interested in trying out the Creighton Model System with NaPro Technology!! :)

    Liz Stilwell, FCPI
    Naturally Yours Fertility Services ( facebook page )

  6. Hi Kimberly,

    I stumbled across your blog randomly this evening... Through some tears managed to read many of your posts... wow... You have a beautiful soul!! I love how you write!

    I'm so so so heart broken and sorry for your two losses and your beautiful precious babies. Surely, you WILL meet them one day and they will be so excited to meet their momma! I'm a Fertility Care Practitioner with the Creighton Model System, so hearing your story is all the more heart breaking for me, as I know many woman who struggle with this! Please contact me if you ever are interested in trying out the Creighton Model System with NaPro Technology!! :)

    Liz Stilwell, FCPI
    Naturally Yours Fertility Services ( facebook page )

  7. Kimberly,

    I'm so so so heartbroken and sorry to hear of your two babies in Heaven! I know they will one day get to meet you and they are anticipating with great excitement the day they get to meet their momma. You have two extra angels watching over you, William and Willow right now!

    I also just wanted to let you know about something called the Creighton Model System with NaPro Technology. I'm a Fertility Care Practitioner Intern with this system, and I've seen many woman start charting with Creighton and being able to carry their baby to full term. Contact me if you're at all interested. Please know I will offer up my prayers this evening tonight for your family and your two precious babies in Heaven.

    Liz Stilwell, FCPI
    Naturally Yours Fertility Services, Facebook page


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